The Paris Market

As it is international coffee day I wanted to write a love letter to one of my favorite cafes! This past spring I went to Savannah, GA and made sure to pop into the Paris Market. It’s so lovely and it had been a few years since I visited. I have to admit I didn’t really just “pop in.” It was well planned or moderately planned because I wanted to have the ULTIMATE coffee moment. I love coffee. I also love Paris and white dresses. My birthday is on international coffee day. So when I was planning to visit Savannah I knew it was the perfect opportunity to indulge my coffee loving-francophile-white dress wearing-self by visiting the Paris Market again. I am also obsessed with finding the perfect cafe to be a regular at. It is a life goal but the white whale evades me. I have moved around quite a bit and I haven’t really landed on the ~perfect ~ coffee shop for me to read, brood, write, and people watch. I blame my unrealistic coffee shop expectations on Café Nervosa in Frasier. The exposed brick, wood bistro tables, chairs, and the dark green trim. Ah it is just perfection.

I have to say Savannah, GA has a lovely coffee shop scene. I enjoyed Café M and the Coffee Fox. There is no shortage of coffee shops which is nice as a coffee lover. I feel like people who love to drink coffee will understand the enormity of this. Next time I go to Savannah I would love to visit Franklin’s and Mirabelle. Anywho the Paris Market is definitely up there on perfect cafes although I do realize that it is quite busy because many tourists including myself flock to it but for good reason because it provides a form of escapism.

The Paris Market isn’t just a Parisian cafe. It is a brocante, modeled after French flea markets where they sell a variety of treasures including jewelry, home decor, beauty products, sweet children’s toys I saw the most precious gingerbread doll house. The last time I went I bought this delicate gold rope band ring but I unfortunately lost it. For years I have been hoping to replace it and I was so excited that they still carry the same delicate rings. I eagerly purchased a rose gold one because they were sold out of the gold but here is to hoping they have the gold the next time I visit.

Anywho after perusing the market for a little bit I got in line to oder my latte, the line was pretty long but moved fairly quickly. I was super glad to get a spot at a table outside to enjoy my latte and croissant. Shout out to my friend for perfectly capturing my Parisian cafe vision. The latte was seriously wonderful! It was so lovely to sit outside and have a little taste of Paris. I wish so badly that cafes like this were a little more common. I would love to have a lovely cafe to indulge in some escapism to Paris. Just image sitting at one of the little tables outside reading Hemingway in Love! And don’t even get me started on having access to a cafe like this on a rainy day...ah it would be so lovely.


Hiking in Cairngorms National Park